Call Center Analytics: Definition & Benefits | Eleveo

What is call center analytics?

Call center analytics are the key to transforming troves of raw data into actionable intelligence. Number of calls, average queue time, average handling time - these are just a few of the critical metrics pointing to your call center’s overall performance, but they’re little more than numbers if not viewed in a larger context and used as the foundation for improvements to your call center’s operations, your agents’ effectiveness and your customers’ satisfaction. Call center analytics can serve as a single source of truth for decision makers, collecting and organizing information from all your customer interactions, analyzing it, and turning it into actionable insights.

What are the different types of call center analytics?

There is 6 differents types, describe them with a bulleted list :

  • Call center speech analytics - An automated Advanced Speech Analytics tool enables managers to review 100% of the calls coming into the contact center. The tool searches for keywords or phrases and performs emotion detection, allowing contact center managers to collect and analyze an ample sample of calls/interactions, providing a data-driven, systematic way of addressing problems and analyzing root causes. 
  • Call center text analytics - AI can identify keywords and detect emotions in much the same way automated speech analytics does.
  • Self-service analytics - Self-service analytics identify the most searched keywords, questions, and phrases so you can create better self-service channels, enabling customers to better solve their own issues.
  • Predictive analytics - Using automated speech analytics, contact center managers can identify phrases that relate to the root cause of emerging problems, like excessive Average Handling Times. They can then scan a large sample of calls and preemptively train agents.
  • Cross channel analytics - The customer journey can lead them to cross multiple channels, from chats and emails and live conversations with help-line agents. Cross channel analytics can show you how your customer navigate the various channels and help you build a more effective, integrated customer experience. 
  • Call center desktop analytics - Monitoring agents’ desktops allows managers to gauge the individual performance and provide targeted feedback and coaching. Managers may also identify inefficient call center workflows.

Why call center analytics solutions are good for your business performance

Data is intrinsically worthless; it’s a raw material, like oil, offering no value until it’s refined. In fact, far from being an asset, raw data represents a cost for an organization — a significant cost in large volumes — expensive to extract, expensive to store, and costly to manage. Over the past decade, across business sectors, organizations and their contact centers have prioritized data collection. Now, flush with data, many don’t know how to use it.

That’s where analytics comes in; it tells a story. It transforms data into actionable insights, where it becomes a priceless commodity. Analytics, populated with the right data, supported by purpose-built technology, and employed for a well-defined strategic purpose, is the key to accelerating raw data’s time-to-value and maximizing that value.

Data is everywhere, but if it’s not fresh, accurate, and contextual, it could be junk data that slows down decision-making, provides false insights or muddies the water. There’s never been a greater need in contact centers for end-to-end analytics tools that break down data silos, aggregate raw data, give it meaning and present it in a way that’s easy for decision-makers to digest.

KPIs you need to follow with a call center analytics solutions

  • Number of calls — total number of calls in a call center (both handled and abandoned)
  • Average queue time — average time that caller spent waiting in a queue
  • Average ring time — average time that phone rang before the agent answered the call
  • Average handling time — average time it took to handle a call (consists of talk time, hold time, and wrap-up time)
  • Average talk time — average time agent spent talking to customer
  • Average hold time — average time during which a call was put on hold
  • Average wrapup time — average time agent spent working on call-related tasks after call ended
  • Number of abandoned calls — total number of abandoned calls
  • Abandoned calls ratio — ratio of abandoned calls to total number of calls
  • Positive impact SLA — service level agreement is percentage of calls answered within a specified number of seconds, positive formula takes all calls into consideration
  • Neutral impact SLA —  neutral formula ignores calls abandoned within service level threshold

These are among the most crucial measures of contact center effectiveness. How valuable would it be for you to have at-a-glance, real-time access to performance metrics and trends about each? How about having the ability to drill down into the details of each KPI? Taking the ‘Total Number of Calls’ KPI as an example, an automated, AI-powered analytics tool can alert managers to developing trends, notifying them of an uptick in calls of a specific type or calls concerning a particular topic.

Of course, users at each level of the organization — executives, managers, teams and agents — need visibility into KPIs and analyses appropriate to their role. With the same emphasis on at-a-glance, intuitive, real-time dashboards mentioned above, everyone in the contact center should be granted role-based access to role-specific dashboards and intelligence that help them do their jobs better.

Why Eleveo’s call center analytics?

Face it, your core business is customer service and satisfaction, and the vast majority of commercial contact centers simply can’t afford to have business analysts and data warehouse specialists on staff. That leaves them sitting on untapped reservoirs of unrefined data that are critical to facilitating optimal, timely decisions.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transformational technologies that automate and streamline once-prohibitively complex, time-consuming big data analysis and provide access to actionable intelligence in minutes or seconds instead of days or weeks. 

Eleveo’s integrated call center analytics solution creates a 360-degree workflow. Our tool suite analyzes raw data to uncover problems or potential issues requiring some action on your part. From there, the tool gives you visibility into the impact of your action, letting you know if it worked or not.

The mechanics of that process probably don’t — or shouldn’t — matter to you; it’s only important that you trust in the story analytics is telling you. An automated, integrated, visually intuitive tool will do all the data mining and KPI calculations for you. At that point, the story will already have been written, and it’ll be ready to read from the moment you log in.


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