Luxury Hotel increases quality ratings by 15% and reduces AHT by 25% with Eleveo QMS

A chain of 5-star hotels needed to fully upgrade its call recording and quality management systems in order to speed-up and improve quality management.

Luxury hotel

The Client' Story

The client was burdened by an outdated call recording system where all quality evaluations were performed either on Excel sheets or on paper. A mystery shopping service revealed that the quality of service in the client’s contact center didn’t match the high quality provided in its hotels.

Our goal was to centralize quality management, speed up and improve evaluations and allow for regular calibrations, data analysis and reports, while also unifying quality standards.

To achieve this we deployed the full Elevēo QM Suite, first in the Kuala Lumpur call center, then when it opened in the Guangzhou call center, thereby centralizing the processing systems and synchronizing standards.

As a result, external quality ratings increased almost 15% from 70% to 84.5%, with a peak of 87%. And average handling time has dropped from 8 to 6 minutes


The Case In Detail

The client, a chain of 5-star hotels with properties around the world, was burdened by an outdated call recording system where all quality evaluations were performed either on Excel sheets or on paper. Consequently, calibrations were conducted only two times a year, and emails were not even evaluated. Furthermore, quality was difficult to manage above the level of agent evaluations since analyzing the data was far too labor-intensive and time-consuming. The operations supervisors on the calling floor didn’t consider quality monitoring a high priority.

When a mystery shopping service revealed that the quality of service in the client’s contact center didn’t match the high quality provided by the staff in its hotels, the client decided it needed to update its quality management and call recording systems. In order to centralize quality management, considerably speed up and improve evaluations, including email evaluations, and allow for regular calibrations, data analysis, and reports, we deployed the full Elevēo Quality Management Suite. Reports that previously took hours or days to produce could now be produced in minutes, allowing management to get a big-picture view of quality management. At the same time, the training team could now drill down into evaluation data to find the root causes of poor quality and tailor training accordingly, both in general and on an individual agent basis.

Screen recording now allowed the QM team to make sure agents were looking up and quoting correct room rates and other details without having to physically sit with them. Coaching improved, with supervisors now able to play back both voice and screen recordings to give agents appropriate feed-back – both on the call and the way they handled applications and provided information to customers. When the Guangzhou call center opened 2,500 km away, the same systems, forms, and processes could be used for both centers, thereby synchronizing standards. On top of this, calibrations could now be conducted once a month, and twice a month between Kuala Lumpur and Guangzhou supervisors.

As a result, external quality ratings increased almost 15% from 70% to 84.5%, with a peak of 87%. And average handling time has dropped from 8 to 6 minutes.


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