
Advancing clinical outcomes and enhancing the customer experience

A University healthcare provider in California utilizes Elevēo Advanced Contact Center WFO Suite to safeguard sensitive patient information and ensure that staff provides the highest quality of care during patient interactions.




A California-based healthcare provider with an expansive network of pharmacies and urgent care centers needed a reliable means of ensuring its staff provided patients and partners with accurate information and world-class experiences during telephone interactions. The provider also needed to meet applicable compliance requirements governing the protection of sensitive personal health information and payment card transaction data.


The healthcare provider chose Elevēo’s comprehensive Advanced Contact Center Workforce Optimization (WFO) software to empower teams, manage compliance, and deliver patient care consistent with their brand. 


Utilizing Elevēo’s WFO Suite allows the organization to record hundreds of simultaneous calls, evaluate these interactions against performance goals, develop skills, and improve Net Promoter Scores - a key indicator of customer experience. Sensitive patient information is safeguarded, and the provider organization is protected against compliance risks and liabilities.


“Eleveo’s immediate and long-term affordability, ease of use, and specific functionality make it a great fit for us.”

Network Administrator
Large California-based University Healthcare Provider



At peak times, more than 200 telephone interactions are taking place simultaneously throughout the provider’s network of pharmacies, urgent care centers, and back-office departments. These user groups are distributed across several physical locations and separate telephone and contact center platforms. Their interactions with patients range from pharmacy staff filling prescriptions and urgent care staff providing clinical assistance to back-office personnel scheduling appointments and processing payments. 

The provider relies on the Elevēo Suite to deliver key capabilities:

  • By recording the interactions, the accuracy of information provided can be verified.
  • Representatives’ skills can be measured, improved, improved, and monitored through scorecards, reports, live monitoring, eLearning, and tagging to ensure top-notch customer service is delivered.
  • With permission-based access controls, encryption, and automated recording controls, sensitive information is not recorded, and compliance with all data security policies can be easily managed. 
  • A flexible solution architecture and single User Interface across the multiple platforms

Though many of the organization’s needs may be unique to healthcare, one challenge common to organizations, regardless of industry, is the need to scale their software solutions to accommodate growth. This provider experienced growth through acquisition, resulting in an increased employee population and a distributed workforce. It also needed to integrate a new telephony platform. 

Since its 2017 deployment, the Elevēo solution has scaled to fit the needs of the healthcare provider’s growing, geographically dispersed, and technologically diverse organization. According to the provider’s network administrator, Eleveo has remained flexible and easy to manage throughout that time. 

“Because users in several key departments are distributed across three separate contact centers, it’s critical that Elevēo’s architecture and user interface allow our supervisors to access all the recorded interactions from a single pane of glass,” he says. “And, Elevēo is reliable; it’s doing its job. The system just kind of runs at this point. Onboarding new users is a breeze. Just a few emails and an hour of training, and they’re ready to go!”

“Onboarding new users is a breeze. 
Just a few emails and an hour of training,
and they’re ready to go!”

Network Administrator
Large California-based University Healthcare Provider


A Day in the Life of the Elevēo User

Supervisors use Elevēo’s quality management tools to review and score up to five calls per agent per week, allowing them to easily monitor the customer experience-related SLAs of teams like the rehab appointment desk and hospital operators. New hires can also use these tools to view and listen to agent/patient interactions, providing a valuable training opportunity.

The ability to capture and review interactions is essential for both clinical and branding purposes. During each interaction, the hospital operator, urgent care representative, or pharmacy staff member is the organization’s public face, and they need to be able to provide a customer experience consistent with the provider’s brand.

More importantly, some of these representatives are responsible for responding to clinical questions and aiding in medical emergencies. The organization recognizes the importance of being able to record and review these types of events. As the Administrator explains, “We need to be able to ensure our employees are sticking to the script and following their training in emergencies. It’s an essential quality check to protect our organization and customers and a teaching resource for the supervisors responsible for those employees.” 


Simplicity that fits a challenging budget

Shifting his focus away from Eleveo’s impact on employees and the customer experience, the Administrator puts on his IT support hat and offers a quick take on Eleveo. “From an application management perspective, Elevēo is pretty low maintenance - a big plus! If my internal customers aren’t calling, submitting support tickets, or talking about Elevēo, I’m not spending a lot of time ensuring it’s doing its job correctly - and that’s a really good thing.” 

He adds, “I have a vested interest in the uptime of our systems. Reliability and ease of use are among the most important attributes these tools can possess. Honestly, I’ve come to take the Elevēo solutions for granted because they’re simple to manage, and they just keeping working. That may be the highest form of praise I can offer!”

Beyond function, flexibility, and reliability, affordability is critical for healthcare organizations, especially in California, where nearly 3 in 4 hospitals run in the red. The Administrator recognizes that Elevēo’s competitive price point and rapid ROI were significant factors in the original deployment decision, and its long-term affordability remains critical.

“Reimbursements from MediCal and Medicare aren’t increasing at the same rate as costs and inflation, and that’s putting tremendous pressure on the healthcare system in general,” he says. “Elevēo’s immediate and long-term affordability, ease of use, and specific functionality make it a great fit for us.”


“Because users in several key departments are distributed across three separate contact centers, it’s critical that Elevēo’s architecture and user interface allows our supervisors to access all the recorded interactions from a single pane of glass.”

Network Administrator
Large California-based University Healthcare Provider


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