
Improvement of Contact Center Service Level

ICON Communications Centres



ICON could meet all the agreed KPIs except for Service Level (SL), where they continued facing challenges. Their average performance was between 85% and 90%. For this, they incurred financial penalties.

The average performance was between 85% and 90%. Their target was to answer 93% of all calls coming through the High Priority number within 20 seconds.

Primary Results
Average service level of 96.01% achieved after improvements implemented.

Secondary Benefits 
ICON did not have to pay penalties imposed by their client for failing to achieve service levels.

“The collaboration between Elevēo & ICON proved to be very rewarding. Elevēo’s approach and pragmatism helped to identify quick wins and long term improvements whilst the relationship they built with the team at ICON ensured buy-in at all levels. Ultimately the proof is in the results and following the consultancy period ICON achieved KPI performance across the board and more importantly have maintained it to this date. Thank you Elevēo!”

Mark Matthews
Site Director


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