
15% increase in QM productivity as a result of simplified reporting and centralized collection and storage


Česká Pojisťovna, the member of Generali CEE Holding, needed a user-friendly tool to provide clear reporting and to randomly select calls according to clearly defined parameters.

Česká Pojišťovna Story 

Česká Pojisťovna’s was plagued by slow quality management and inconsistent quality standards.

Consequently, our objective was to help team leaders evaluate operators more quickly, while also unifying quality standards.

To achieve this we installed a centralized processing system, deploying Elevēo Call Recording and Quality Management in a cluster configuration to include both sites. This resolved both problems at once.

The results were immediately measureable, with team leaders now evaluating 15% more calls per hour. This not only sped up the process, but also lowewred the cost of quality monitoring and unified quality standards.


“Elevēo Quality Management is one main tool for evaluation which can be administered from one place even when the contact center has large numbers of agents in many sites handling many different projects and services. It is very user friendly and we can change things ourselves easily such as evaluation forms without constantly requesting technical assistance.”

Michal Majer
Senior Internal Trainer
Česká Pojisťovna

The case in detail

 Česká Pojišťovna used Excel to record and process their evaluation data without integrating it with their call recording system. This slowed down the quality management process. They also stored their evaluation forms in multiple locations. This meant reports had to be compiled manually, which made it difficult for them to maintain unified
quality standards.

To resolve both problems, we centralized the processing system by deploying Elevēo Call Recording and Quality Management in a cluster configuration to include both sites.

With Elevēo Quality Management team leaders now evaluate 5-6 calls per hour compared to their previous 4-5 calls. This is a 15% increase in quality monitoring productivity, with a corresponding reduction in costs. In addition, with all data collected and stored in one place, producing reports is now easy and consistent, with no need for manual integration.

“Our professional approach and long-term collaboration allowed ANECT and Elevēo to put together a team that was able to deliver a customized solution for Česká Pojišťovna.
The project was highly successful; it boosted the company’s efficiency, created a space for future collaboration, established a number of business opportunities with new customers and, we believe, increased overall customer

Jan Drnek
Presales Manager


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